As part of our project we wanted to know how people were getting their music and how often, so we decided to survey a group of fifty people of differing ages and posed these questions: How old are you? How do you primarily obtain your music? How often do you obtain music? The following graphs and charts show our results which we thought were surprising. The first chart shows how many surveyors we had in each of the shown age groups. The next charts show how each age group obtains their music, followed by how often. The last chart shows the percentage of all surveyors that get their music illegally. Take a look...
As you can see almost half of our surveyors get their music illegally, which was a big surprise. We knew that illegally downloading was a big problem, we just didn't know how big. The numbers, however, do not lie.
Wow!! Once you know how, then I guess they figure why not keep doing it? The idea of not getting caught is pretty motivating, right?